Tuesday, June 14, 2016

DAY 6 but Day 1 of Day Camp!

What a busy first day of camp! We started with breakfast at 7 am then a devotion and prayer with the Grace Bible Church Ohio and all of the Palavra de Vida (WOL) team. We had a meeting assigning us to to certain tasks for the morning portion (swimming pool duty, sport duty, and play groups). We welcomed nearly 350 meninos e meninas (boys and girls) along with their teachers to camp at 9am. Each child was given either or blue or yellow wristband assigning them to the specific team as different sports challenges took place. Many children came to camp without a swimsuit but enjoyed playing in the pool. Imagine nearly 100 kids in a pool at once with 10 staff,, whistles and only a few translators!  We had to keep our eyes peeled. After play time was lunch and then music, then the children heard from the word from one of the missionary team members. From there we broke up into small groups of 8 - 10 children each where each group had a staff member and translator. Children were asked if they understood what was told to them. They shared their story. Lauren had a great small group and translator, Leticia, was wonderful. Liz and Pam's group had girls who wanted to pray and share about their family situations. Some children stayed quiet but acknowledged what was shared with them during the meeting. Afterwards was a second round of playtime then a snack, where all children were given a tract; it was called God Knows My Name. Complete translation below:

Campers arrive! They are given either azul (blue) or amarelo (yellow) wristbands
Steve leading the first General Session

Lauren's small group

Piscina! Pool Time!

Ivan, Director of Palavra Da Vida, with Steve Theis translating to staff about the organization of the day before the campers arrive

The tracts the smaller children received with translation
God knows my name

God created everything and he knows everything that exists in the world
He knows your favorite color
What's your favorite color
Surprise! God already knows

God knows my name he knows many hairs I have on my head.
Are you able to count the hairs on your head?
God knows even how many stars are in the sky; he made all of them and put each of them in the right spot! 
God seems me when I go out to play and he seems me when I lay down. 
He takes care of me all the time because he never sleeps!
When I play hide and seek and I hide in a very hard place to find, God knows where I am
No one is able to hide from God

God knows how we feel, if you are sad, happy, ashamed, or discouraged.
He worries about us.
Before he created the world God already knew us.
Before I was born he already knew all my life; whole life.
God knows you very well the same he knows everyone in the world and he loves them.
The bible the word of God teaches us
John 3:16

God loves us even when we do wrong things and those wrong things he calls sin.

Everybody that does wrong things deserves to be punished. But God loves us so much that he sent his only son to be punished in our place. He died but was resurrected. 

If you receive Jesus as our Savior we can live eternally with him in heaven. 

Do you believe in this with all your heart? 
So talk to God right now and says:

Dear God thank you for loving me so much I know I am doing. Wrong things and now I have surrendered thank you for sending your son Jesus to be punished in my place for my sins, come to live in my heart and teach me to live always by your side!

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